Our story
CO.P.A.P., Cooperativa Produttori Aglio Piacentino (Cooperative of Producers of Garlic from Piacenza) was founded in Monticelli D’Ongina (PC) in 1976 by several farms from the province of Piacenza; it works to protect and improve the production of local varieties of White Garlic from Piacenza. This variety is highly appreciated by farmers and consumers both nationally and internationally for its unique properties.
The area of Piacenza around Monticelli d’Ongina is the sole producer of White Garlic from Piacenza in Italy, registered in the Register of Varieties under the name of Ottolini garlic and Serena garlic.
Cooperativa produttori Aglio Piacentino
CO.P.A.P. has processed, preserved, packaged and marketed fresh White Garlic from Piacenza, onions, shallots and tomatoes for 40 years. In the CO.P.A.P. processing and storage centre the adoption of modern preservation plants with a controlled environment and cutting-edge processing and packaging lines have integrated manual work, making it possible to offer the products in different types of packaging.
In addition to packaging and marketing the products, CO.P.AP. carries out the programming, health and quality controls on production and traceability of the product according to applicable regulations.
CO.P.AP. is the only cooperative of garlic producers in Italy to group together 30 members of the municipality of Monticelli d’Ongina (PC) and of the neighbouring areas, continuing to invest in the quality of its products and on production totally Made in Italy.
In recent years, Cooperativa Produttori Aglio Piacentino has achieved high visibility on the international stage associating itself with O.P.APOL Industriale, the organisation of producers whose membership base brings together farms and cooperatives in the North of Italy, each characterised by different products linked to the territory.