Rural Development Programme for Emilia Romagna
CO.P.A.P. is the beneficiary of an EAFRD-grant for a project approved under the Rural Development Programme for Emilia-Romagna 2014-2020 , operation type 3.2.01 “Promotion and information activities by producer groups on domestic markets”. For more information click here.
Rural Development Programme Biancoseme
ICO.P.A.P. is the beneficiary of an EAFRD-grant for a project approved under the Rural Development Programme for Emilia Romagna 2014-2020 – Operation type 16.1.01 – FOCUS AREA 3 A“Organisational and process innovation of the chain for the sustainable production of healthy seed of white garlic from Piacenza “. For further information, click here.
Consortium for the Enhancement and Promotion
CO.P.A.P. supports the Consortium for the Enhancement and Promotion of White Garlic from Piacenza, formed by some young and passionate farmers of Piacenza, united in their desire to develop the White Garlic from Piacenza, a local product of superior quality. The goal of the Consortium is to relaunch White Garlic from Piacenza, which has been underrated for too long.
Lotta alla fusariosi
CO.P.A.P. partners the research to combat Fusarium spp together with the University Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Piacenza and Agrisilva.
O.P. APOL Industriale
In recent years, Cooperativa Produttori Aglio Piacentino has achieved high visibility on the international stage associating itself with O.P.APOL Industriale, the organisation of producers whose membership base brings together farms and cooperatives in the North of Italy, each characterised by different products linked to the territory.