The CO.P.A.P. Onion is grown in Piacenza by the farmers who are members of the cooperative, all certified GLOBALG.A.P – GRASP.
The excellent quality is guaranteed by the use of selected hybrids, the application of the Guidelines for Integrated Production of the Emilia Romagna region in all production phases up to harvesting, by the accurate health and quality controls, with special attention in the preservation and conditioning phases and by the application of a simple and highly effective traceability system.
Three varieties are produced: Red onion, Golden onion and White onion, each with different aromatic characteristics.
Qualità Controllata (QC) – Certified Quality
The use of the brand is granted to farms that produce in accordance with the product specifications, respectful of human health and the environment, able to guarantee the quality of the product throughout the entire chain.
Where to find CO.P.A.P. products
Regions and supermarket chains that sell all the products of the Cooperativa.
Find them